
Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery in Burgundy

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
49 in Burgundy.
Register your touristic spot in Burgundy it's free (in French)

Art, Craft and Gallery in Montceau-les-Mines

Ateliers de la Neuvième en Bourgogne (Art-Thérapeute Relation d'aide PNL Artiste Peintre

KAZMINE Mireille 13 rue de la République 71300 Montceau-les-Mines (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 06 68 30 10 78
Art - therapy is not a workshop of Art it is an effective antidote to external pressures of any kind: family, professional, academic and social is an ideal method for: relax regain the confidence and ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Martin-en-Bresse

Cadré Carton cadres meubles carton

Frédérique bret 3 avenue de la gare 71620 Saint-Martin-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 47 08 54  - Mobile phone : 06 79 68 50 26
Décoration à partir de carton d'emballage destiné aux déchetteries : cadres, lampes, miroirs, vases, boites, bijoux, mobilier

Visite de l'atelier sur rendez-vous

Visite à la ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Boil

Galerie des chailloux

Galerie des chailloux Rue de l'église 71390 Saint-Boil (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 44 08 91
From april to october, the Galerie des chailloux open its exhibition room to artists. Painters, sculptors and photographs.Four to five exhibitions can be visited every year from friday to sunday, ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Château-Chinon

Les Petits Joyaux

Breugnot Laure 3 rue du square 58120 Château-Chinon (Nièvre)
Phone : 07 87 75 85 52
Craft company located in the heart of the Morvan, the small jewels offers objects of everyday life, decorative or custom and gift ideas. All are worked by hand (painting, engraving...) on original ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Noyers-sur-Serein

Photographe professionnel

Artonic-photo 11 rue du bassin 89310 Noyers-sur-Serein (Yonne)
Phone : 09 65 35 15 11.  - Mobile phone : 06 10 93 37 87
Photographe professionnel, réalisant du portraits, du paysage, de l'animalier,des reproduction d'arts, du reportage, du mariage, de l'industriel, et des vues aériennes!

Art, Craft and Gallery in La Genête

stylo en bois fabriqué de façon artisanale

freppaz 375 chemin de narfoux 71290 la genête 71290 La Genête (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 06 58 38 70 59
I am passionate about wood for several years and I decided my lancer in wood-turning and the manufacture of turned wooden handle.
I make these wooden handles with various wood species ranging from ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Prâlon

Rachel SEGUIN - Artiste peintre

Rachel SEGUIN rue du Tillot 21410 Prâlon (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 06 88 50 11 98  - Fax :  - Mobile phone : 06 88 50 11 98
In childhood gifted for handicrafts, I liked to draw. So far where I get as a gift a box of paints and it was a revelation.
After a year of courses in the Ouche Valley, I started in 1994 by painting ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in La Maison-Dieu

Sculptures sur métal

Goury Bruno 58190 La Maison-Dieu (Nièvre)
Phone : 03 86 24 28 69
Découvrez le travail d'un artiste original : sculptures sur métal, mélanges de pierre et fer, masques en damas, pièces de bronze...
Créations sur demande.
Register your touristic spot in Burgundy it's free (in French)