Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery en Saône-et-Loire
16 en Saône-et-Loire.
Register your touristic spot en Saône-et-Loire it's free (in French)
Art, Craft and Gallery in TournusAlchimie du livre ®Courdavault Nathalie 17 rue de l'hôpital 71700 Tournus (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 40 16 28
Art, Craft and Gallery in BaudrièresC Thenot Artiste peintreTHENOT Cédric 41 route du chateau 71370 Baudrières (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 47 36 68
- Mobile phone : 06 19 81 32 88
Cedric Thénot, painter International (bronze medal of the international academy of art in Rome and French artistic merit and honor, medal of honor of the National Academy of Fine Arts of Brazil, ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in Montpont-en-Bressestylos artisanaux en bois pencils-artsGirard Sandrine 655 route de la montovie 71470 Montpont-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 72 51 10
- Fax : 03 85 72 95 85
- Mobile phone : 06 44 07 32 27
I am designer of handcrafted wood pens. All my designs are shot by myself in the heart of Bresse Bourguignonne are unique because I use no Copier on my lap, in general I turn to the feeling which ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in ChagnyMiloutractou ou les couleurs du bonheurMILOUTRACTOU OU LES COULEURS DU BONHEUR 35 rue de la boutiere 71150 Chagny (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 87 39 35
Objet insolite, relooking de meubles et objets, décoration intérieure, peinture sur tous supports, artiste récupartiste, rococodingo,création ambiance meubles chaises fauteuils tableaux couleurs ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-Martin-en-BresseCadré Carton cadres meubles cartonFrédérique bret 3 avenue de la gare 71620 Saint-Martin-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 47 08 54
- Mobile phone : 06 79 68 50 26
Décoration à partir de carton d'emballage destiné aux déchetteries : cadres, lampes, miroirs, vases, boites, bijoux, mobilierVisite de l'atelier sur rendez-vous Visite à la ... Art, Craft and Gallery in CurgyLes Eduens Art et Gîte Créations en terre émaillée Bijoux, Déco...MARLOT Céline n°2 Chemin de la corvèe, Savigny-le-jeune 71400 Curgy 71400 Curgy (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 86 17 23
Discover my creations in glazed terracotta, completely made by hand, from an Earth bread (white, red, clay mixed, black, porcelain).Each piece is shaped and then dried in the open air. Each piece ... Art, Craft and Gallery in Saint-BoilGalerie des chaillouxGalerie des chailloux Rue de l'église 71390 Saint-Boil (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 44 08 91
From april to october, the Galerie des chailloux open its exhibition room to artists. Painters, sculptors and photographs.Four to five exhibitions can be visited every year from friday to sunday, ...
Art, Craft and Gallery in La Genêtestylo en bois fabriqué de façon artisanalefreppaz 375 chemin de narfoux 71290 la genête 71290 La Genête (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 06 58 38 70 59
I am passionate about wood for several years and I decided my lancer in wood-turning and the manufacture of turned wooden handle.I make these wooden handles with various wood species ranging from ... |