
Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery in Burgundy

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
49 in Burgundy.
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Art, Craft and Gallery in Étrigny

Création cuir ,

Boyer Cidex 521 Veneuse 71240 Étrigny (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 92 20 36
Sacs,sacoches moto,ceintures,pochettes,barrettes cheveux....
cuir travaillé,associé à d autre matières naturels,comme les pierres semi précieuse,la corne,l os...
des cuirs, ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Marcigny

Expositions Peinture Sculpture Céramique

Maison d'Art Bourgogne du Sud 28 rue Marius Avril 71110 Marcigny (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 25 10 71
Alternating exhibitions of paintings and sculptures of figurative inspiration in a blossoming and thriving setting situated on the famous Romanesque churches drive. On show are artists of ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in Lacrost

L'Atelier de Val

Valérie Josserand 7 rue de l'haye 71700 Lacrost (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 32 17 94
Hand made ceramik sculpture and jewlery.
It' s better to phone before comming.

Art, Craft and Gallery in Dijon

Atelier Célia Casal

Célia Casal 12-14 rue millotet 21000 Dijon 21000 Dijon (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 06 07 84 94 09
Celia Casal is an hand bookbinding workshop.
Visit for max 4 persons, paper mill in japanese paper in shop.

picture of Photographe portraits/vacances
  • Average season of 60€ to 350€

Art, Craft and Gallery in Auxerre

Photographe portraits/vacances

Laura Tarraf rue du Puits Guérin 89000 Auxerre (Yonne)
Phone : 06 33 83 77 35
American photographer based in Auxerre offering portrait, event, and family vacation photographs while you're in Burgundy!

Art, Craft and Gallery in Oulon


Phone : 03 86 38 87 38  - Fax : 03 86 38 87 38  - Mobile phone : 06 75 59 08 34
JOURNEE SOLIDAIRE ET FETE DE LA MOISSON A OULON POUR LA 2èME fois oulon vous ouvre son cadre magnifique pour cette journée au bord de l'étang au coeur du village.
de nombreux exposants et diverses ...

Art, Craft and Gallery in La Maison-Dieu

Sculptures sur métal

Goury Bruno 58190 La Maison-Dieu (Nièvre)
Phone : 03 86 24 28 69
Découvrez le travail d'un artiste original : sculptures sur métal, mélanges de pierre et fer, masques en damas, pièces de bronze...
Créations sur demande.

Art, Craft and Gallery in Reulle-Vergy

Firouza bijouterie-joaillerie, atelier artisanal à Reulle-Vergy

Firouza Houerdon 9 rue de Vergy 21220 Reulle-Vergy (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 03 80 41 37 86
Register your touristic spot in Burgundy it's free (in French)