Restaurant Bar à Vins du vigneron Daniel-Etienne Defaix
16 rue Auxerroise
89800 Chablis
телефон : 03 86 18 98 52 - факс : 03 86 42 48 56
http://www.chablisdefaix.comThe restaurant La Cuisine Au vin
is the the restaurant of the vineyard Daniel-Etienne DEFAIX.
A modern restaurant with design concept in a millenium cellar.
All are fresh and naturel , all the organic fruits and vegetables are produced on the domaine Defaix
The wine of the domaine was sold with a very good price in the restaurant !
the Domaine have also an hôtel 300 meters after
the name is Aux Lys de Chablis witrh 38 rooms.
the website of the hôtel is :
be welcome all the year except in january ours differents houses atre closed.