Maison d'Art Bourgogne du Sud
28 rue Marius Avril
71110 Marcigny
телефон : 03 85 25 10 71
http://collectionrex.comAlternating exhibitions of paintings and sculptures of figurative inspiration in a blossoming and thriving setting situated on the famous Romanesque churches drive. On show are artists of international standard: paintings, graphics, drawings, marble and other material, ceramic and raku objects. The outstanding feature of the site is the combination of modern art facing the rolling hills of the Brionnais and the garden itself, created in 2003, associated to the “Parks and Gardens of Burgundy”.
Opening: Middle of May to middle of October from Thursday to Saturday 15 - 18 h,
And on appointment: 03 85 25 10 71.
Entrance 2 €, groups 1 €