Hôtel De La Paix
9 Rue Jean Jaures
71700 Tournus
(Saône et Loire
) 25 комнаты от49.00 &евро;
The Giger family happily welcomes you to their hotel located near several prestigious tourist sites such as the Hôtel Dieu and the Greuze Museum, and away from the road traffic. Enjoy a friendly welcome in Tournus city centre, where this hotel features 25 comfortable rooms and offers traditional and original French cooking. Owners since 1979, the Gigers have been transforming and extending the Hôtel De La Paix for over 20 years, to make it as comfortable as possible.
Hôtel De La Paix
9 Rue Jean Jaures
71700 Tournus
начиная с 49.00 &евро;
Le Rempart
2 Et 4 Avenue Gambetta
71700 Tournus
начиная с 135.00 &евро;