Les Maritonnes
Route de Fleurie
71570 Romaneche-Thorins
) 25 комнаты от90.00 &евро;
The hotel offers a great place to stay while exploring the Beaujolais and Mâconnais regions, with their delightful villages, vineyards, wonderful scenery and rich cultural heritage. Enjoy the chef's delicious seasonal cuisine and taste one of his traditional meals or one of his new and creative dishes. If the weather is nice you can also sit on the outside terrace and enjoy the beautiful panorama. Relax in the quiet park planted with trees or unwind by the swimming pool, visit the surrounding area or enjoy the various sport activities available nearby.
Les Maritonnes
Route de Fleurie
71570 Romaneche-Thorins
начиная с 90.00 &евро;
Hotel Des Grands Vins
De La Grappe Fleurie
69820 Romaneche-Thorins
начиная с 71.00 &евро;
Château de Pizay
Route de Morgon
69220 Morgon
начиная с 169.00 &евро;