
Patrimonio da  visitare , Castelli, monumenti en Côte-d'Or

    Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
6 en Côte-d'Or.
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foto di Château d'Arcelot
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Castelli, monumenti a Arceau

Château d'Arcelot

Antoine de Loisy Rue du Colombier 21310 ARCEAU 21310 Arceau (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 37 18 97
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Castelli, monumenti a Bussy-le-Grand

Château de Bussy-Rabutin 21150 Bussy-le-Grand (Côte-d'Or)
On the edge of the archeological site of Alésia, nestling in a small wooded valley, the 16th and 17th century château is surrounded by ordered gardens irrigated by canals.
A tour of the apartments ...
foto di Forteresse de Thil
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Castelli, monumenti a Vic-sous-Thil

Forteresse de Thil

Perceval VERDON Chemin de Thil 21390 Vic Sous Thil 21390 Vic-sous-Thil (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 06 08 23 24 19
Benvenuti nel "più vecchio Château Fort de France" sotto A. Malraux.
Una maestosa rovina, senza tempo, romantica, situata su un promontorio isolato. Esso offre un panorama eccezionale sul Auxois e ...
foto di Domaine Joliet
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Castelli, monumenti a Fixin

Domaine Joliet

Bénigne Joliet Manoir de la Perrière 21220 Fixin 21220 Fixin (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 52 47 85

Castelli, monumenti a Montigny-Montfort

Château de Montfort

Association MONS FORTI Mairie de Montigny-Montfort 21500 Montigny-Montfort (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 92 33 34
Ce château fort d'architecture rare a été édifié au XIe s. et reconstruit partiellement au XIIIe s. Ses ruines majestueuses dressées sur un piton rocheux dominant la route reliant Montbard à ...

Castelli, monumenti a Santenay


GERARD FAGNONI 1 RUE DU CHATEAU 21590 Santenay (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 20 63 66
Su una collina di vigneti nel villaggio di Santenay, sorge il maestoso Palazzo Château de Santenay del secolo IX, XII, XVI. Agganciato sui fianchi del versante viticolo del villaggio di Santenay, è ...
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