
Patrimonio da  visitare , Città e paesi in Bourgogne

    Cities and Villages
    In the bend of a street or an alley, discover in the course of your walks the secrets of cities and villages of our regions. Remarkable facades, places, houses of times and many other hidden treasures, here is which treasures offer themselves to you. Picturesque villages of countrysides in the big metropolises, take time to promenade and to appreciate.
14 in Bourgogne.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Bourgogne é gratuito

Città e paesi a La Roche-Vineuse

Les Carrières de La Lie

SPAY PE La Roche Vineuse 71960 La Roche-Vineuse (Saône-et-Loire)
Tel : 00 00 00 00 00
Archeological site occupied since the Gallo-Roman and mérovingian time. Excavations, plan and photographs. Visits on request, archaeology, cave.

Città e paesi a Autun

Autun, ville romaine 71400 Autun (Saône-et-Loire)
La ville d'Augustodonum fut fondée à la fin du Ier siècle av. J-C par l'empereur Auguste. Il en fait la "soeur et émule de Rome". Des constructions de cette époque, on peut encore admirer les ...
foto di Château de Rully
  • Bassa stagione 8€ a 20€

Città e paesi a Rully

Château de Rully

M. R. de Ternay Château de Rully 71150 Rully (Saône-et-Loire)
Tel : 03 85 87 20 89
Among the vineyards, the Château de Rully is a médiéval fortress built in the 12th century. Visiting the castle will take you on a journey through French history from the middle age to ...

Città e paesi a Montcenis

Commune de Montcenis

GISCLON Place de la Mairie 71710 Montcenis (Saône-et-Loire)
Tel : 03 85 55 35 01
Montcenis n'était qu'un hameau jusqu'en 1781, date à laquelle il fut décidé d'y débuter la construction de la fonderie royale, première usine métallurgique d'Europe à produire de la fonte "au ...
foto di Semur-en-Brionnais, village médiéval
  • Bassa stagione 0€ a 4€
  • Media stagione 0€ a 4€
  • Alta stagione 0€ a 4€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 0€ a 4€

Città e paesi a Semur-en-Brionnais

Semur-en-Brionnais, village médiéval

Association Les Vieilles Pierres Bourg 71110 Semur-en-Brionnais (Saône-et-Loire)
Tel : 03 85 25 13 57
Semur-en-Brionnais is the most beautiful village in France and officially listed as such. You can visit the castle, the oldest of Burgundy; the 12th century romanesque church, the last built in South ...

Città e paesi a Nevers

Nevers, une ville éclectique

58000 Nevers (Nièvre)
The town of Nevers overflows with touristic spots. She has a strong historical heritage going back to the Middle Ages: the Saint-Cyr cathedral, the archway fresco of the Saint-Pierre church, the ...

Città e paesi a Salives

Village de Salives

Syndicat d'initiative de Salives Rue du moulin 21580 Salives (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 75 64 09

Città e paesi a Appoigny

Office de tourisme

OTSI D'Appoigny 4 rue du fer à cheval 89380 Appoigny (Yonne)
Tel : 03 86 53 20 90
Appoigny: tourisme, patrimoine, infos pratiques..(VISITES GUIDEES DE LA COLLEGIALE, RANDONNEES PEDESTRES..)
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Bourgogne é gratuito