
Gastronomia , Cantine e distillerie in Bourgogne

    Cellars and Distillery
    Pierce the secret of wines and of their development by visiting cellars and distillery. Leave on men's meeting loving their lands and their grapevines which will make you share their passion and their know-how.
12 in Bourgogne.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Bourgogne é gratuito

Cantine e distillerie a Montagny-lès-Beaune


francois piffaut pre neuf 21200 Montagny-lès-Beaune (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 25 90 81  - Fax : 03 80 25 01 79

Cantine e distillerie a Prissé

Vignerons des Terres Secrètes

Michel Barraud président Chai de Prissé 71960 Prissé (Saône-et-Loire)
Tel : 03 85 37 88 06 ou 03 85 37 64 89  - Fax : 03 85 37 61 76
Toute l'équipe du Caveau-Magasin de Prissé vous attend pour vous faire découvrir et vous conseiller sur les appellations produites par nos vignerons. Pouilly-Fuissé, Saint-Véran, Bourgogne ...

Cantine e distillerie a Santenay

Prosper Maufoux Grands vins de Bourgogne

Pascale Riffaux 1 Place du jet d'eau 21590 Santenay (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 20 68 71  - Cellulare : 03 80 20 68 71
  • Bassa stagione 0€ a 4€
  • Media stagione 0€ a 4€
  • Alta stagione 1€ a 4€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 0€ a 4€

Cantine e distillerie a Chaumont-le-Bois


Sylvain Bouhelier vigneron Place St Martin 21400 Chaumont-le-Bois (Côte-d'Or)
Tel : 03 80 81 95 97
Anne & Sylvain Bouhelier welcomes you to his 17th century cellar, on his 6 hectare farm. He respects the environment, does not use chemical fertilizers and harvests by hand. The estate also includes a ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Bourgogne é gratuito