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Register your touristic spot in Burgundy it's free (in French)
Castle, Fort in SullyChateau de SullyDuchesse de Magenta Chateau de Sully 71360 Sully (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 82 09 86
- Fax : 03 85 82 92 54
The Château de Sully, half an hour west of Beaune, nestles in the rolling hills of the Burgundy countryside, on the northside of the famous Côte de Beaune and its world reknowned vineyards. Property ...
Castle, Fort in Montigny-MontfortChâteau de MontfortAssociation MONS FORTI Mairie de Montigny-Montfort 21500 Montigny-Montfort (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 03 80 92 33 34
Ce château fort d'architecture rare a été édifié au XIe s. et reconstruit partiellement au XIIIe s. Ses ruines majestueuses dressées sur un piton rocheux dominant la route reliant Montbard à ...
Castle, Fort in FixinDomaine JolietBénigne Joliet Manoir de la Perrière 21220 Fixin 21220 Fixin (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 03 80 52 47 85
The domaine Joliet winery has been a family owned estate for centuries. Located in Fixin, this winery has a small vineyard, the Clos de la Perrière. It is said to be a "monopole" as the domaine ...
Castle, Fort in PierreclosChâteau de PierreclosPidault Château de Pierreclos 71960 Pierreclos (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 35 73 73
Castle, Fort in Ourouërchâteau de nyoncatherine henry 58130 ouroüer 58130 Ourouër (Nièvre)
Phone : 03 86 58 61 12
The small castle of Nyon testifies with charm of the art of living in the country in the 18th century was 2014 exceptional opening from July 12 to September 21 with days heritage. Saturdays, Sundays ...
Castle, Fort in Bussy-le-GrandChâteau de 21150 Bussy-le-Grand (Côte-d'Or)A tour of the apartments ... Castle, Fort in CurbignyChâteau de DréeDupin Rémi lieu dit "Drée" 71800 Curbigny (Saône-et-Loire)
Phone : 03 85 26 84 80
Castle, Fort in ArceauChâteau d'ArcelotAntoine de Loisy Rue du Colombier 21310 ARCEAU 21310 Arceau (Côte-d'Or)
Phone : 03 80 37 18 97